Merging Science & Spirituality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Merging Science & Spirituality

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours,scientist and biotech executive Leo Kim shared how numerous concepts of 21st-century science are consistent with spiritual ideas.

While he started off skeptical of spirituality, he came to the conclusion that the materialism views held by many scientists such as Richard Dawkins were a kind of "false gospel"-- a dogmatic insistence that the brain and the universe are just material stuff. But now, because of the oddities of quantum phenomena, scientists are having to take on really "out-there" type theories such as parallel universes, added dimensions, string theory, and multiverses because their former equations and assumptions don't fit with the evidence, he noted.

Kim argued the mind has the capability of rewiring the brain, and what really exists in the universe is mind and spirit. In regard to healing methods, he suggested if we could merge new scientific treatments, the powers of the mind, and good nutrition, we'd take a quantum leap forward in health.

The last hour of the show featured 'Sound Off" Open Lines.

Afghanistan Update

First hour guest, author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton, having just returned from Afghanistan, shared an update on the situation there. The United States is losing the war there, and outside factions such as from Pakistan have helped create a power vacuum allowing the Taliban to step back in, he said. The conflict is especially difficult in Afghanistan, because the enemy is fractionalized into hundreds of small groups, he added.

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