Glenn Miller Conspiracy

Hosted byIan Punnett

Glenn Miller Conspiracy

About the show

Journalist and investigator Hunton Downs discussed his research into a cover-up in the death of famed big band leader Glenn Miller. He contended that Miller wasn't killed in a plane accident over the English Channel in 1944-- that was a story made up by the US govt. because they didn't want the public to know how he really died.

Downs suggested that Miller, who spoke German, had been enlisted by Eisenhower to serve as a secret envoy, to try and convince some German officers to end the war early and offer terms of armistice.

But Hitler got wind of the effort, and Miller was captured, and eventually taken to a Nazi-controlled brothel in Paris, where he was interrogated, tortured, and killed, Downs continued. Reportedly, some US soldiers saw Miller's body dumped there. The cover-up was intended to save embarrassment about his being found in a brothel, he noted.

Piracy Update

First half-hour guest, intelligence expert Douglas Hagmann offered analysis on the sea piracy case, suggesting that some of the Somalian pirates may be funneling money to Islamic causes.

Bumper Music

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