Government Mind Control

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Government Mind Control

About the show

George Knapp was joined by former mind-control victim Cathy O'Brien along with Mark Phillips, the former government employee who deprogrammed her. Together, they discussed her amazing story of surviving the MK Ultra program. O'Brien said that during her time in the program "there was much torture and trauma that was deliberately and systematically used" to turn her into a pliable human automaton. She alleged that, from there, she was used for a number of nefarious deeds, including sexual and criminal acts. She also asserted that high ranking politicians had a hand in her lengthy period of abuse.

Having been tipped off from his sources inside the intelligence community, Phillips used some "codes and keys" to break O'Brien from her spell. He said that such triggers included starting a conversation with the statement "this is God" and directing her to read Psalm 37:37 in the Bible. Phillips claimed that at the time of her rescue, O'Brien had "no awareness of anything that happened to her" and didn't even know her own name nor real age. The pair, along with O'Brien's daughter Kelly, then escaped to Alaska. It was there, O'Brien said, that she felt safe for the first time which "allowed me to remember the things I'd been tortured to forget."

O'Brien indicated that what compelled the pair to come forward with their story was a quest to find help for Kelly, who was also a victim of the mind control program. They explained that Kelly had been subjected to a more modernized form of mind control called "harmonic technologies." Phillips described the technique as using sound frequencies to scar the brain and "re-route the person's ability to think." This fragments the victim's mind in ways similar to earlier, more trauma-based methods. The technique is so invasive, they said, that Kelly has yet to make a complete recovery from her abuse due to extensive damage to her brain stem.


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