Illuminati, Giants, & Dead Microbiologists

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Illuminati, Giants, & Dead Microbiologists

About the show

Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed a number of intertwining subjects including swine flu, dead microbiologists, fallen angels, sightings of giants, the importance of the volcano Krakatau, and the nefarious plans of the "global elite" or Illuminati. The list of microbiologists and scientists who have died under possibly suspicious circumstances continues to grow. He speculated they're being murdered because they would have interfered with the global elite's plan to eliminate 90% of the world's population through the use of some type of pathogen.

The vaccination for swine flu that is being worked on may come in different versions, one of which may be particularly deadly, especially for children, and this could be part of the depopulation plan, Quayle cautioned. Further, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act could be enforced to make it a crime not to take the vaccine, he said.

There were recent sightings of three 8-9 ft. tall beings in England, who were seen looking at crop circles, Quayle said. He also talked about reports of giants with triangular heads that his military sources were said to have contact with, and large beings who escaped from the underground facility at Dulce, NM.

Quayle warned that another volcanic eruption could occur at Anak Krakatau, possibly triggered by weaponry of the global elite. The volcanic ash interacting with HAARP's radio waves will bring about a situation "where the very fabric of reality will be ripped apart," and cannibalistic giants will be unleashed, he proclaimed.


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Steve Quayle forwarded us a newspaper article about a "weird figure" seen in Malaysia that appeared to be around 12 ft. tall. He received the article from a woman named Ann C. who was touring South East Asia. She writes:

Hi Steve,

Being a long time listener and website reader from Canada, I was touring South East Asia lately when I spotted this newspaper report from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was reported by Sin Chew Press a local Chinese paper on 13th July 2009 the clipping of which I had scanned and attached together with another high definition scan of the figure photo taken by a witness using his cellphone. Please note that the bottom of the balcony stands about 10 feet from the ground. Here is a translation of the news clipping:

The appearance of a weird figure in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Nobody knows what it is and where it came from.

Reported by Ang of Sin Chew Press.

A resident of Kampung Sri Cempaka, Ahmad Sachari was the first person who witnessed this weird figure one night near his home in Kampung (village) Sri Cempaka but it quickly disappeared. "When I was at the garbage dump disposing garbage I saw it when I lift my head. It just stood there and it emitted multiple sounds but I can't understand what it was trying to say, just like many sounds pile up in a stack. "

Another Chinese man, Cheong from Subang also saw this weird figure...."it appeared to be roughly 12 feet tall and had 2 legs but many heads." Cheong recounted his response "it looked not frigntening at all, like a very gentle giant."

"When I first saw it talking, the voices seemed to originate from different heads at the same time but gave me a feeling of being friendly," he added. (He took a photo of this figure with his cellphone). The local police authorities would investigate this case and urged the residents to remain calm and not to jump to any conclusion. "We cannot confirm what this weird figure is," a spokesman for the police said.

"We do not believe it is a threat to humans and on contrary we could attempt to communicate with it. " There were reports that the police would work with the local UFO investigators. Meanwhile, the police proposed that residents be not alarmed and to keep in contact with family and close friends and to follow the newspapers or TV reports for further updates.

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