Numerology & Climate-Gate

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Numerology & Climate-Gate

About the show

In the first half of the show, numerologist Glynis McCants talked about how people with various number traits interact with each other, as featured in her new book Love by the Numbers. People's numbers can be compatible, challenging, or a natural match, she noted, detailing what each Lifepath number wants in a relationship:

  • 1's want to be told they're right.
  • 2's are physical and like to be affectionate.
  • 3's communicate with humor, and appreciate having their jokes laughed at.
  • 4's like to have their opinions valued.
  • 5's need freedom, and don't like to be controlled.
  • 6's like to have gratitude shown to them.
  • 7's need their privacy.
  • 8's don't like to have someone spend their money.
  • 9's like to be helped without their asking for it.

Glynis also touched on the year 2010 which is a "3." While the economy is going to get worse before it gets better, on the plus side, "3" means people are finding their way back to each other, she said.


In the latter half of the program, environmental consultant Tim Ball discussed 'Climate Gate,' a coordinated effort to hide information about global warming. Someone hacked in to the files of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) based at the University of East Anglia and found damaging emails that show that scientists at the Unit created and manipulated false data to preserve the idea that global warming is real.

Since 2002, global temperatures have been declining, and numbers from the past have been pushed down to make the current temps seem warmer, he argued. We're seeing climate change ideas, often based on overly simplistic computer models, used as a vehicle for political purposes, he added.


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