Aliens & Secret Govt. Group

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Aliens & Secret Govt. Group


  • Collins Elite
  • Jack Parsons & Occult Practices
  • Alien Abduction & 'Techno-demons'
  • About the show

    UFO researcher Nick Redfern joined George Knapp to talk about a secret group within the U.S. government known as the Collins Elite, who believe our purported alien visitors are actually deceptive demonic entities. Redfern first learned of the group's existence through Ray Boeche, an Anglican priest, and former director of Nebraska's MUFON. Boeche said back in 1991 he met with two men from the Defense Dept. who told him about a secret project to contact NHE's (non-human entities). They showed him photographs of people who allegedly died during experiments while contacting the NHEs, and contended that the beings they communicated with were simply masquerading as ETs.

    Eventually, Redfern interviewed a man in his 80s named Richard Duke, who claimed to be a member of the Collins Elite up until 1960, and recalled many specific details about the group. The group took its inspiration from occultist Aleister Crowley's ritual in which he reportedly made contact with an interdimensional entity named Lam. Later, in the 1940s, rocket scientist Jack Parsons engaged in similar experiments trying to invoke a being, and subsequent UFO sightings may have been enabled through his opening of a portal, the group believed. According to Duke, the Collins Elite also suspected that various contactees in the 1950s, such as George Hunt Williamson, who used a Oujia board for ET communications, were experiencing demonic deceptions.

    In the 1960s, the Collins Elite examined a number of NDE reports, such as one in which deceased humans moved through a hellish landscape as a UFO-type craft hovered overhead, extracting their souls with a ball of light, Redfern detailed. "They eventually came to the conclusion...that the human soul possesses some sort of energy, which these entities can use as sustenance...In other words, they're harvesting human souls," he said, adding that the group believed that a strong religious viewpoint, such as Christian fundamentalism could keep the demonic entities at bay.

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    Last Night

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