Gravity, UFOs, & Mars

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Gravity, UFOs, & Mars

About the show

Continuing Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory which connects gravity and electromagnetism. Calling it the GEM unification theory, he explained that electromagnetism actually has three forces-- electric, magnetic, and the pressure of light, or radiation pressure. It's this third force that unifies gravity and electromagnetism, he said, citing the work of Sakharov who proposed that the sea of electromagnetic energy around us (also called zero point energy) exerts a radiation pressure that drives objects together, and is the source of gravity.

Based on this theory, control of gravity by electromagnetism is possible, and would explain how UFOs are able to visit us from other star systems, he said. "If you're going to travel long want to bend space-time, which is gravity modification-- gravity is the curvature of space-time," he noted, adding that space-time can be changed around a ship itself, turning it into a faster-than-light particle, which would use little energy. The key to making gravity modification is to create a vortex of electromagnetism which allows you to change local gravity, and if you do this under a dome it creates an upward pressure on the dome, hence a flying saucer," he continued.

Brandenburg also reviewed his research with Vince DiPietro and Richard C. Hoagland into the Face on Mars, and Cydonia artifacts, as well as presented evidence that the Red Planet may have been wracked by a nuclear catastrophe, like a bomb of a million megatons. A rare isotope, xenon 129, is found on Mars, and is associated with nuclear explosions, he detailed.

Comet Elenin Update

First hour guest, physicist James McCanney talked about Comet Elenin, and other space-related topics. He concurred with the recent analysis (see article below) that Elenin's nucleus may have broken up into smaller pieces. People have been inundated with a lot of incorrect and incendiary information about the comet, which actually posed no danger to Earth, he commented. He also suggested that because Venus always shows its same side to Earth, this indicates it once had a gravitational coupling with our planet, like the moon.

News segment guests: Jim Berkland, Nick Begich, Alex Jones


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Recent observations of the Comet Elenin suggest that its nucleus may have either broken or disintegrated, and its brightness has declined by 50%. More at Sky & Telescope.

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Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
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