The Living Universe

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Living Universe


  • Elgin: Humanity's Transitions
  • Elgin: Social Visions
  • About the show

    Internationally recognized speaker, author, and social visionary, Duane Elgin, discussed how biology and physics show that the universe is not dead but rather uniquely alive, an insight which, he shows, is in harmony with all of the world’s major spiritual traditions. Plato said the universe is a single living creature that embraces all living creatures within it. Indeed, the universe is a whole, integrated system, with an infinite amount of energy flowing through it, he said.

    Interestingly, quantum physics has pointed toward probabilities and uncertainties at the very foundation of reality. This quality of choice or freedom is part of the free will that living creatures have, he noted. Science is finding consciousness up and down the cosmic spectrum, starting at the level of an atom, which makes certain kinds of choices, Elgin pointed out. Another character of a living creature is the ability to reproduce, and recent theories have proposed that black holes may be shooting out matter to create a 'Big Bang' that spawns a new universe, he added.

    Elgin outlined various stages of humanity's transitions & evolution, as we are at a pivotal time with increased difficulties from climate, the economy, and other factors. Humanity has matured from its childhood as hunter-gatherers, moving to its adolescence as a species on the edge of a planetary civilization, and is now ready to move past "parental institutions" that have held sway, he said. The unprecedented revolution in global communications are creating a kind of global brain that will support the awakening of our collective consciousness, and move into adulthood, as we tackle worldwide challenges, he continued.

    Lyme Disease Update

    First hour guest, medical researcher Tom Grier shared an update on Lyme disease. A recent press release from the Mayo Clinic reported that multiple sclerosis (MS) often starts with an inflammation in the brain's outer layers. This correlates with what Grier had been proposing about Lyme disease, which he's noted bears certain similarities to MS. Prolonged antibiotic therapy is sometimes effective in treating Lyme disease, he added. For more, see this recap of Grier's show appearance from September.

    News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Susan Smith Jones, Robert Zubrin, Dick Van Dyke


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