Practical Mediumship / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Practical Mediumship / Open Lines

About the show

In the first half, George Noory welcomed Dr. Ian Rubenstein, who shared the story of how he went from a skeptical physician to trained medium, and his attempts to combine the two practices. Rubenstein's journey into practical mediumship began in 2003, when a patient walked into his office to give him a message from his deceased grandfather. "The stuff he told me was pretty amazing," Rubenstein said, "he either read my mind, or he was in contact with the spirit of my dead grandfather." The psychic patient instructed him to begin listening to the spirits for himself, Rubenstein explained. A series of strange events followed, including a peculiar dream in which a short Indian man taught him about psychic powers and auras, and the astonishing day he felt a physical blow to the back of his head and heard a voice warn him about his car keys getting stolen. The keys did get taken, he noted.

Rubenstein recalled the time he attended a family party where his cousin, a former spiritual healer, confirmed the psychic patient's message about spirits wanting to work with him. He also recounted a bizarre experience during his first year in medical school, when he saw a "blond-haired snow queen" appear in place of his friend, Felicity. According to Rubenstein, the being was Felicity's spirit guide who had appeared to protect her and pass on a message to him. After so many unusual happenings, Rubenstein said he was advised to join a psychic development circle at a spiritist church. He talked about the first message he ever gave to someone—a 66-year-old woman named Lucy who had come to see him about depression. Rubenstein remembered writing a prescription for a mild anti-depressant, feeling a blow to the back of the head (like with the keys), and a voice urging him to ask about the woman's deceased father. Rubenstein claimed to have seen the misty outline of a man appear over the woman's left shoulder, a sighting that was validated by another psychic, he added.

The next 90 minutes was devoted to Open Lines. George fielded calls from several people who phoned in response to his query about getting badly cut with fingernail clippers. The final half hour featured a replay from the Secret Door VIII show on April 7, 2009, when Dr. Roger Leir shared an update on his work with alien implants.


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