Cosmology, Christianity, & UFOs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Cosmology, Christianity, & UFOs


  • Cooper: Ascension & Golden Age
  • Ross: Science, Creationism, & the Bible
  • About the show

    Astronomer and physicist, Dr. Hugh Ross, researched quasi-stellar objects, or "quasars," while at Caltech. Subsequently, he sought out scientific evidence and correlations for the 66 books of the Bible. For instance, the six days of creation described in Genesis, refer not to six 24-hour periods but six consecutive long time frames, which would be compatible with scientific epochs, he noted. Further, he contended that the Bible "predicted all the fundamentals of Big Bang cosmology, thousands of years before any astronomer or other scientist even had a hint that the universe had the properties of a space-time beginning, with continual expansion."

    Specifically, the Book of Job refers to the space-time beginning, as well as "cosmic darkness" as a real substance with geographical locations-- much as current astronomy has pointed to the reality of dark matter, he detailed. Job also contains information on how the planet should manage its resources for the benefit of all life, which could be used as a guide for science foundations around the world, he added.

    Ross shared his assertion there is no evidence that UFOs are visiting us from other planets. He believes that fallen angels, who could be considered transdimensional in nature, are behind the phenomenon, and that is why no physical artifacts are ever found in UFO incidents. He also suggested that those who have encounters with UFOs/"aliens" have opened themselves up to this through an interest or dabbling in the occult.

    2032 & the Golden Age

    Known for her work with angels, ascension, and the wisdom of Atlantis, author Diana Cooper talked in the first hour about the transition to a "Golden Age" in 2032. "Energy is coming in that will activate the six cosmic pyramids around the planet," which will aid in the planetary ascension into the fifth dimension, she explained. Before that time, veils of illusion will be lifted, and portals around the world will open, sending out rays of unconditional love, she declared.

    News segment guests: Greg Hunter, David Brown


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