The Reptilian Mythos

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Reptilian Mythos

About the show

Paranormal investigator Scott Roberts talked about the pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion, and in the alien mythos of the Reptilians. He explored the idea that non-human intelligences, such as the Annunaki described by Zecharia Sitchin, visited and possibly created and controlled humans. Though the Annunaki weren't specifically described as being serpentine in appearance, he conjectured they could be Reptilians. A mythology, which may or may not be true, has been built up around the Reptilians-- that they dominated humankind in the ancient past, and continue to do so today from behind the scenes, he outlined. There may be anecdotal or circumstantial evidence regarding their presence, but it remains impossible to prove, he continued.

Roberts discussed the religious and cultural legends of the serpent which extend all the way back to the beginnings of civilization. Curiously, the serpent is generally both feared and revered at the same time. He noted that the serpent 'Nachash' in the Bible's Garden of Eden is not referred to as Satan or Lucifer, but rather thought of as a trickster or mischief maker that brings chaos and the forbidden. Some positive depictions include the Chinese dragon which symbolized life and fertility, and in ancient Egypt, the serpent represented life and renewal, with its ability to shed its skin, and reveal a new one. Atum was the Egyptian snake-man deity, and Quetzalcotl, the feathered serpent god of the Mayans, he added.

In the Hindu texts, he noted, there were tales of Krishna, "who sat atop a coiled serpent beneath the Banyan tree and...delivered the forbidden knowledge of the gods to the humans." He also spoke about the heretical Serpent Seed Doctrine-- the idea that Satan spawned a child through Eve, and that this lineage of Lucifer continues on. Roberts, who is the one of the organizers of the Paradigm Symposium coming later this year, said he seeks to bridge the gap between the scientific and academic communities and the more fringe groups with their unconventional approaches and ideations.

Baffling X-ray

Appearing toward the start of the April 1st show, Fred A. Lizer from Lincoln, Nebraska described the baffling discovery revealed in a X-ray taken of his body-- a live tomato plant seemed to be growing inside him!

Observations from the Other Side

First hour guest Annie Kagan shared the extraordinary story of her after death communications (ADC) with her brother Billy. About three weeks after his sudden death, she heard his distinct voice calling out to her, asking her to write down his observations from the Other Side. After perishing in a car accident, he told her he was "sucked up in a chamber of silver light, and the second that those lights touched him, it erased all the pain he had suffered in his entire lifetime...and he was delivered to a beautiful divine universe where the light has all kinds of qualities like compassion and love." He also revealed that it's not a static existence on the Other Side, but rather a vast and complex environment in which transformation and evolution occur at a more active pace than here on Earth.

News segment guests: Douglas Hagmann, Catherine Austin Fitts


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Fred Lizer's baffling X-ray appears to show a tomato plant growing in his body.

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