Afterlife / Amelia Earhart / Comets

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Afterlife / Amelia Earhart / Comets

About the show

In the first half, journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini shared revelations about the afterlife, as well as his extensive research uncovering the fate of Amelia Earhart. Known as the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1932, and for breaking various flying records, Earhart was a world famous figure when she disappeared during a flight in 1937 on her way to Howland Island, a tiny island in the Pacific. Through his interviews of various eyewitnesses, Martini concluded that Earhart and her co-pilot Fred Noonan safely landed on sand, but were captured and brought to the island of Saipan where they were imprisoned by the Japanese (who may have suspected they were spies). Just three weeks ago, Martini traveled to Saipan (now an unincorporated territory of the US), and said he filmed an interview with an 86-year-old woman, named Josephine Blanco Akiyama who reported seeing Earhart on the island in 1937. "I found at least 17 new eyewitnesses," Martini added. He believes that Earhart was executed by Japan after the US shelled Saipan in 1942.

Martini has culled much of his information about the afterlife through hypnotic sessions, where sometimes spirit guides come through and proffer details. In one case, a spirit guide described the universe as a sentient mechanism, but that humans lack the physical capacity to comprehend God, though they can experience aspects of God by having an open heart. While the spirits of the deceased have moved into another realm, Martini noted they remain accessible for contact. Martini is the conference chairman of The Afterlife Convention being held in Santa Monica this September, a gathering that will explore the scientific evidence for life after death with various speakers.


Appearing during the third hour, Prof. James McCanney presented updates on comets and extreme weather. In regards to the severe, record breaking winter this year, followed by the monstrous tornado in Oklahoma-- "weather doesn't just happen, it's energy personified-- that energy comes from some place," he remarked. It turns out there has been a strong electrical connection with the planet Saturn that could be the source of the energy affecting Earth's weather, McCanney posited. Regarding the comets of this year, Comet Lemmon's green color is from the electrical current passing through it, he said. He wondered why ISON is predicted to be the "comet of the century" when it's nucleus is said to be only 2 kilometers across.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines, and a brief conversation with Richard C. Hoagland.

News segment guests: Craig Hulet, Rhettman Mullis

Bumper Music

Last Night

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