Strange Disappearances

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Strange Disappearances

About the show

Editor of Unicus Magazine and expert in UFOs, Robert Stanley, discussed how people have disappeared without a trace from Earth from various hot zones including the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea in the Pacific Ocean, plus ten other "vile vortices" found around the world. In particular, he detailed the case of a man who disappeared for six months, but then returned. In 1975, "Eddy" was a young US naval pilot, on a mission to test the new F-14 jet over the Pacific Ocean. On one of his flights near Howland Island (where Amelia Earhart disappeared), he entered into a five-mile wide green fog, which caused his jet to malfunction. He lost power in both engines, and radio contact with the carrier group. As he came through cloud cover, he was surprised to see a small unknown island, where he was able to land the jet on the beach. A young Polynesian woman greeted him and told him that their island "has a tendency to pull planes in sometimes," Stanley recounted.

Eddy ended up staying on the island where the inhabitants lived primitive but healthy lives, and seemed unaware of the rest of the world, Stanley continued. Eventually, Eddy fell into a depression and was told he could go, and suddenly he was able to make contact via his radio. As he was picked up by a fishing vessel, he noticed a green mist, "and the entire island vanished in a flash of white light," though there was a sudden breeze, which Stanley suggested was consistent with an Einstein-Rosen Bridge or wormhole, which expels a certain energy when collapsing. Intriguingly, he revealed that "Eddy" was actually a well-known past C2C guest, who didn't wish to go public with his story yet.

Stanley surmised that Eddy traveled through a portal to a parallel planet or universe. Some such portals or vortexes are naturally occurring or could be augmented by ET races, he offered, adding that UFOs may travel via stargates that open up at their destination, rather than navigating vast distances through the galaxy. A acquaintance of Stanley's, "Jay 7," claims to be an ET, and through contact with his "family" from Tau Ceti, he learned that one could safely leave Earth via a portal in the event of a calamity.

Aura Photography

First half-hour guest, inventor Guy Coggins talked about the technology of photographing auras, and the meanings behind the colors that show up in people's fields. Starting with Kirlian photography of fingertips, he expanded the technique, and over decades developed a biofeedback aura imaging technology. A red aura designates active energy (though a certain type of red/violet color can indicate illness), blue can be associated with psychic abilities, white light suggests a strong spirituality, whereas darker colors could indicate depression, he noted. For more on Coggins' technology see this article which features images taken with his AuraCam 6000 camera, and a video which shows possible orbs within an aura.

News segment guests: Scott Stevens , Douglas Hagmann, Glynis McCants

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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