Humanity's Anunnaki Legacy

Hosted byJohn B. Wells

Humanity's Anunnaki Legacy

About the show

John B. Wells was joined by author Gerald Clark (book link) for a discussion on his research into the forgotten history of humanity's Anunnaki legacy. Ancient Sumerian tablets describe a race of beings from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago to escape radiation from their sun, Clark explained. Anu, king of the Anunnaki, sent his son Enki along with a detachment of 50 to Earth to extract monatomic gold which they could ionize and place into their atmosphere as a radiation barrier, he added.

According to Clark, Neanderthals had been genetically modified by Enki and his half-sister Ninhursag to be a slave labor force. He related an account of the creation of two hybrid Neanderthals that could reproduce to the biblical story of Adam and Eve in Eden, noting the similarities between Enki and his brother Enlil to the serpent and God, respectively. Clark attributed other biblical stories to the Anunnaki and revealed that they continue to walk among us to this day.

Clark also spoke about passive/active cloaking technology and HAARP's potential (and perhaps actual) use as a weapon, as well as DARPA's development of an implant that can read brain signals (related article). He suggested the capability of reading and decoding brain waves in real-time may have existed for decades. Clark linked the research to the White House's BRAIN Initiative, warning that the ultimate goal could be to develop a brain chip to control soldiers. Humans were designed as electrical beings able to receive and transmit electrical signals like modems, he said, noting how electricity can freely travel to other locations. Clark imagined a technology that could conceivably read a person's brain waves from an orbiting satellite.

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