ESP & Psychic Research

Hosted byGeorge Noory

ESP & Psychic Research

About the show

Longtime researcher of parapsychological phenomena, nuclear physicist Dr. Edwin C. May was joined by parapsychologist and co-author Loyd Auerbach to discuss the history of psychic research and espionage, and how its development during the Cold War fueled incredible research into human psychic abilities. In 1975, Ingo Swann invited May to join SRI (Stanford Research Institute), and by 1985 he became the director of Project Stargate (the military remote viewing program), which was classified as top secret at the time. While the psychic spying/ESP program was eventually closed amid charges by some that it was a waste of money, "the government wouldn't have spent $20 million spread out over 20+ years, if they weren't getting some return on their investment," May remarked.

Auerbach recounted how the US program generated some very successful intel from viewers such as Joe McMoneagle, and Angela Ford, who was particularly adept at locating lost people. May and Auerbach determined that books from the 1970s and 80s such as Psychic Discoveries Behind the Curtain contained inaccurate information or disinformation possibly put out by the Soviets, such as the claim they had success using psychotronic weaponry and generators. In the 1990s, during trips to Russia, May compared notes with General Alexei Yurievich Savin, who at one time was the director of the KGB psychic spying program, which had some 120 remote viewers.

The Soviets experimented with using psychic abilities as a form of non-lethal weaponry or to influence outcomes. For instance, in international chess matches, they had some of their psychics planted in the audience to try to make some of the foreign competitors sick so they would lose their matches, but this tactic didn't work, May reported. Regarding premonitions or precognition, psychics are likely seeing probable futures, so it can be possible to avoid certain outcomes by changing one's course of action, Auerbach noted.

Cell Phone Interception

First hour guest, private investigator Roger Tolces, commented on the discovery of mysterious fake cell towers. The towers were detected by people using the CryptoPhone 500, which can issue notifications to users when their calls are not encrypted (normal mobile calls are encrypted by cell towers). Tolces finds it more likely that if law enforcement is behind the interception of calls, they would not use a stationary location, but rather a van that could be placed in an area of interest. If your calls are being intercepted, the record of them won't show up on your bill, he revealed.

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