Hypnosis/ Space-Time

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Hypnosis/ Space-Time

About the show

In the first half, Joseph Sansone, a consulting hypnotist, talked about the history of hypnosis, including its use in ancient cultures, as well its contemporary applications. Hypnosis is a paradoxical state where a person is very relaxed, yet they are also in a heightened state of reality, that is very different from sleep, he noted. Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years in one form or another. The ancient Babylonians, for instance, had a practical approach to healing that involved repetitive suggestions. Egyptian priests used hypnotic techniques in their practice, and ancient Greece had a hypnosis cult that was connected with medicine, and mental health. Hypnosis got re-introduced with Mesmer in the 1700s, who called the process "animal magnetism" and related healing to an invisible fluid.

The way hypnosis yields results, Sansone explained, is by learning how to enter a deeply relaxed state, while focusing on such things as visualizations and affirmations, and really surrendering yourself to the process. He shared techniques for starting self-hypnosis: Begin with setting up a trigger for entering a relaxed state-- this could be holding your thumb and index finger together, and taking a deep breath for five seconds, and then relaxing. You can then imagine a white light from the top of the universe falling onto your head, and go through a progressive relaxation as the light moves down. Clench and release tightened muscles. Sansone also spoke about "bioplasticity," which refers to the mind's ability to alter or heal the human body.


Nassim Haramein has spent most of his life researching the geometry of hyperspace, theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations. In the latter half, he discussed connections between science, physics, and spirituality, and our place in an evolving universe. One theory that explains parallel universes or multiverses posits that universes could be embedded within each other in a concentric fashion on many different scales, and that our universe "bubble" could exist inside a larger bubble and so on. Our universe, he added, "acts very much like a hologram," and could be thought of as "a projection of a set of information on a deeper level in the structure of space," which is comparable to a complex computing system.

Our bodies and brains operate as receivers and transmitters of information that is part of the holographic field we call our reality or world, Haramein continued. The organizing agent of the universe is the function of information learning about itself, an incredible form of living feedback that could be conceived of as intelligent design or God, he remarked. Haramein also touched on the possibility of manipulating space and time, and being able to traverse throughout the universe, and how this might have already been accomplished by a very advanced civilization.

News segment guests: Chris Geo, Mish Shedlock

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