Alternative Archaeology

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alternative Archaeology

About the show

A leading expert in alternative archaeology, Dr. Heather Lynn is a professional historian, archaeologist, member of the World Archaeological Congress, and president of the Society for Truth in Archaeological Research (STAR). She discussed a variety of her research topics including hidden history, ancient mysteries, and controversies with artifacts. The field of archaeology is actually plagued with a number of problems which includes allegations of looting, keeping artifacts hidden from public view, and excavations funded by questionable organizations, she cited.

The new Tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh was recently "found," but it had actually been at an Iraqi Museum, and the Museum ended up paying smugglers to intercept artifacts on their way to the black market, after they'd been looted, she explained. The Tablet provides new information on the Epic, describing a cedar forest where the giant ruler Humbaba lived. According to the new details, Humbaba was human rather than some type of creature, and a childhood friend of Enkidu, a central character in the Epic. This shows that "history is a living dynamic field-- just when you think you have it all figured out, you discover something new," she remarked.

Lynn talked about about the "Sumerian controversy," archaeological discoveries near the city of Ur that were funded by wealthy/elite backers. Some of the artifacts have been kept from the public, possibly related to royal bloodlines, she said, adding that they may have been looking for the Tablet of Destinies, which might contain powerful information or technological secrets. She also commented on Zecharia Sitchin's groundbreaking research, but wondered if the Anunnaki that he wrote about were actually interdimensional beings rather than extraterrestrials.

St. Louis Contamination Fears

First hour guest, nuclear energy expert Scott Portzline talked about the dangers associated with a long-burning underground fire in a St. Louis landfill that is nearing a nuclear waste site. Started by a methane build-up, the fire has been burning for about five years and is now only three football field lengths away from buried nuclear materials, he reported. The big concern at the site is thorium-230 which is 60,000 times more radioactive than uranium and classified to be as hazardous as plutonium. If things got really bad, there could be groundwater contamination or an evacuation, he said, suggesting that citizens in the area get their own radiation detectors so they don't have to rely on government notification.

News segment guests: Craig Hulet, Steve Kates

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