Quantum Communications & Missing People

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Quantum Communications & Missing People

About the show

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe talked about Chinese experiments with quantum teleportation, as well as the mysterious disappearances of people. It was recently announced that pairs of photons were successfully teleported from Earth to orbit by Chinese researchers. The previous year the Chinese put a quantum communications satellite into orbit. Each of the photon pairs were "entangled" and referred to as "quibits" or quantum-entangled bits. Columbia University Professor of Physics Brian Greene told Linda, "What China did was enormously impressive." In their two-part conversation, he explained the implications of these Chinese firsts, and how they could lead to rapid communication between the Earth, moon and beyond.

At the quantum level of sub-atomic particles like quarks, protons, electrons and photons, all are influenced by consciousness. Now that China has produced the first quantum communications satellite, it has also opened up a new frontier of "unhackable" communications, Prof. Greene explained. He speculated that the notion we are living in a vast simulation is possible, and that we are on the verge of approaching such technology ourselves. "Therefore you can imagine that 50, 100, I don't know, 1,000 years from now, things will have progressed to the point where not only can we create realms that are close to what we normally call reality, but they might be indistinguishable from what we call reality." He also suggested that we are on the dawn of a new human-cyborg species, and this could actually be a positive evolution for humanity. Further info.

In her third and fourth segments, Linda interviewed investigator David Paulides about his work on the mysterious disappearances of people from national parks, as well as urban locations. Some of the missing people are found "fresh" in a body of water and there is no water in the victim's lungs. "I dealt with a series of disappearances of young men in bars and things along the East Coast and Wisconsin, Minnesota," Paulides said. "Again, no tracks, no scent. And they're found in a body of water sometime later. It could be a day, it could be seven days. But many of those cases, the coroner couldn't determine the cause of death when on its face it should have been drowning. But they couldn't."

In one case, a body was found floating on his back, which Paulides said is highly unusual in a drowning, and in another, a deceased young man was floating in a pond wearing clean socks, when the surrounding area was all drenched in mud. Linda drew connections to some alien abduction incidents, and theorized that the bodies could have been dropped back down from the air, possibly in a beam from a UFO. More here.

The Last Fighter Pilot

First hour guest, attorney and author Don Brown discussed his interview with Jerry Yellin, the 93-year-old war veteran who flew the last flight mission of WWII. Nine days after Hiroshima, on the morning of August 14th, 1945, Yellin and his wingman 1st Lieutenant Phillip Schlamberg took off from Iwo Jima to bomb Tokyo. As they pulled up into the clouds, Schlamberg was apparently killed by anti-aircraft fire, and became the final combat death of WWII, Brown recounted. Yellin said they'd been anticipating that Japan might surrender because of the atomic bomb attacks, and he felt that he'd survived in order to represent those American pilots that were killed in the war.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Peter Davenport

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