COVID Panic / Govt. Influence on Hollywood

Hosted byGeorge Noory

COVID Panic / Govt. Influence on Hollywood

About the show

Engineer turned biologist Douglas Axe is the Maxwell Professor of Molecular Biology at Biola University. In the first half, he argued that the human cost of the emergency response to COVID-19 has far outweighed the benefits. Axe said that some state and world governments have taken "an authoritarian approach" to their response and that COVID mortality was conflated with other causes of death in casualty tolls. Many of the deaths, he stated, are among people with other health problems and those who are "typically well advanced in years," both with conditions that the virus tends to exacerbate.

Axe said that another unseen negative effect of the virus and policies that have been implemented are such things as teen suicides and child abuse, which have "gone way up," as well as preventative medicine like cancer screenings, which have "gone way down." According to the data Axe and his colleagues have examined, he contends "there is no reason to believe that closures and stay-at-home orders have saved any lives." Nations, he continued, "that didn't do lockdowns fared better than nations that did." He asserted that cloth masks do nothing to stop aerosols that are produced by simple breathing, and that the six-foot rule has no effect in this situation. Due to these issues, and in the future, Axe hopes that "the one thing we learn as a populace is that fear doesn't help us."


Using countless pages of documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, Dr. Matthew Alford has found that the national security state, led by the CIA and Pentagon, has worked on thousands of Hollywood films and network TV shows. In the second half, Alford revealed that the government has gone to considerable lengths to present its own version of the United States military and intelligence services' history. Most people don't know much about this hand-in-glove relationship that Hollywood has with the Department of Defense, he noted, in which producers exchange script approval for access to actual military material and locations. The cooperation is sometimes so pervasive, he stated, that "the CIA literally writes rough drafts of scripts in some cases."

Alford related that negative portrayals of the military are never allowed, even on productions that only involve "limited cooperation" with official entities. Issues like the loss of a nuclear weapon or depictions of racism in the ranks are virtually forbidden, for example. Before the release of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," Alford said that Steven Spielberg received a 20-page letter from NASA. Reportedly, NASA expressed fear that audiences would begin calling in masses of UFO reports in much the same way that people suddenly became deathly afraid of the ocean after the release of his film "Jaws." Alford is motivated to research this issue, he shared, because "entertainment... should be this thing of beauty" and not a tool for political manipulation. Related article.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Lauren Weinstein, Steve Kates

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