Finding Yourself / Time Enigmas & Sci-Fi

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Finding Yourself / Time Enigmas & Sci-Fi

About the show

In the first half, scholar of occult and esoteric ideas Mitch Horowitz discussed the tremendous personal power that results when everything needless and self-defeating is stripped out of your life. He suggested that you can rightly sense who you really are by reversing years of peer-enforced conformity and self-negation. And, such personal transformations can be accomplished within 30-days or a "Miracle Month," he outlined, as that is around the amount of time it takes to change ingrained habits or behaviors. This practice is opportune for those lacking productive or creative power in their lives, living by other people's decisions, or frittering away their time, he added. He offered various tips and exercises that could be part of a 30-day plan. One tip is to "reject comfort media," viewing repetitive news or social feeds that already reinforce what you believe.

Another of his exercises, "leave the airport," calls for making a quick choice when you are in a desperate or chaotic situation, as "life favors action" rather than being stuck in indecision. Horowitz noted that sometimes people get caught up in their suffering or negative emotions like anger as it can add a kind of excitement to their lives. "We have to look squarely, and clearly, and bravely" at whether we want to bring some of this drama or anguish into our lives, and what that entails, he remarked. He also talked about his recent work with Tarot cards, which he considers a "divinatory language" that can capture a snapshot in time, and his research into the Knights Templar, who were scapegoated in their era, and serve as a parable for our current situation.


In the latter half, C2C's investigative reporter Cheryll Jones interviewed writer and teacher Dennis Caracciolo, the author of the new novel, Doorway to Time. Their conversation explored how science-fiction has used the concept of time to glimpse the future, and how many authors have had stunningly accurate insights into the years ahead. In his book, there are eleven diverse characters with dramatic stories, who are all transformed in one way or another when they come face to face with their own future. His novel includes such events as the JFK assassination, the 9-11 attacks, and the Loma Prieta earthquake, and probes whether people could change the tragic course of history if they knew what was going to happen.

While he doesn't think sci-fi authors who have proved to be prophetic are psychic per se, they do have wonderful imaginations and can tap into trends. Among H.G. Wells' accurate forecasts were war waged in the air, atomic power, mutations, and cloning. Dean Koontz's 1981 novel, "The Eyes of Darkness," referred to a viral bioweapon that originated in Wuhan, China. Caracciolo listed some of his favorite writers as H.G. Wells, Rod Serling, Richard Matheson, and Isaac Asimov.

News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, Kevin Randle

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