Synchronicities & Living In Flow / Amazing Dog Tales

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Synchronicities & Living In Flow / Amazing Dog Tales

About the show

In the first half, theoretical physicist, author, and musician Sky Nelson-Issacs discussed the cutting-edge scientific theory of synchronicity and a model for living "in the flow"--a state of optimal functioning, creative thinking, and seemingly effortless productivity. A synchronicity is an event that seems out of place or surprising, he explained, and it isn't until later that a person sees how it fits into their life or the underlying meaning behind it. "The more we act with a certain intention or a certain anticipation," he said, the more we stack the odds in favor of bringing about a desired outcome. Open-mindedness, compassion for others' perspectives, and deep listening can further enhance the possibility for synchronicities, he stated. 

Further, the idea of a holistic cosmos suggests that the physical world interacts and responds to our choices, he continued. People interact with the world through their own set of emotional filters, a kind of lens from which they view and interpret their experiences. This method of perception can be limiting, he noted, and sometimes prevents people from going with the flow, as well as missing out on meaningful experiences. Our daily choices can help program abundance and purpose in our lives, he added. For more on Nelson-Issacs' views, check out this video trailer for his new book.


SQuire Rushnell is the bestselling author who coined the terms "Godwink," and "Dogwink," which refer to incidents involving amazing synchronicities, the latter involving canines. In the second half, he and co-author Louise DuArt shared accounts of extraordinary "Dogwinks," which they believe go beyond coincidence and demonstrate incidents of divine or miraculous origin. They detailed the story of Ruby, a Police K-9 search and rescue dog in Rhode Island. In 2017, Ruby found a missing boy at the bottom of a ravine, barely alive. Strangely, it turned out that the boy's mother, Patricia Inman, had fostered Ruby a number of times during the dog's difficult upbringing as a shelter puppy. Her son went on to make a full recovery, and the story is being made into a Netflix movie now in pre-production called "Rescued by Ruby."

Another tale they recounted came from a woman named Pam, concerning her golden retriever, Bullet. Pam had undergone a number of miscarriages, when she and her husband learned that 13-year-old Bullet would need expensive surgery to survive. They opted to do it, and later Pam became pregnant, and successfully gave birth to their first child. Then, one morning at 4AM, Bullet started anxiously barking in the baby's room, and Pam discovered that their infant had stopped breathing and was turning blue. If Bullet hadn't alerted them when he did, the child would have died, Rushnell marveled. DuArt also recalled how a husky named Sierra acted as a kind of medical detective, emphatically pushing its nose into a woman's stomach. The woman sensed pain in the area, and subsequently went in for testing, and they discovered ovarian cancer, which they were able to treat as it was still in the early stages.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Charles Coppes

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