Channeling Research / NDEs & the Afterlife

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Channeling Research / NDEs & the Afterlife

About the show

Helané Wahbeh is the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). She is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician with a Master of Clinical Research. In the first half, she discussed her research into channeling, where the information comes from, and how to develop and understand this skill. Channeling is "the process of revealing information and energy that's not limited by our conventional notions of time and space," she explained. It can appear receptive or expressive, and encompass everything from intuition to remote viewing to full-on trance channeling or mediumship, she continued. Channeling, as she defines it, is far more common than is realized, with eight out of ten people experiencing some aspect of it, she estimated. 

Certain characteristics may make a person more receptive to channeling, such as the ability to meditate, the personality trait of openness, or a belief in psychic phenomena like telepathy, she reported. People enter into channeling both intentionally and spontaneously, with methods like meditation, visualization, and rituals, or with external tools like Tarot, a pendulum, or drumming. Whatever path they use gets them into an altered state where they're open or receptive, their ego-mind is quieted, and they're capable of receiving energy or information just beyond their five senses, she outlined. While the source of channeled information cannot be definitively proved, channelers have suggested different origins, including the higher self, a collective consciousness, deceased humans, and multidimensional beings like angels. 


Mariel Ford Clarke had a near-death experience (NDE) in 1992 which set the direction of her life on a spiritual pathway. Based on her experience, and those of many others who've had NDEs and visions, she is confident that an afterlife exists and that a belief in it can positively impact one's life as well as the grieving process. During her NDE, while on the operating table for cancer surgery (she was pronounced dead at one point), Clarke said she was catapulted into a magnificent golden light and felt a great serenity and oneness with all of creation. There was a heavenly love, a kind of music she'd never heard before, and a healing light that she believes contributed to her recovery. All these years later, the memory of that place remains indelible.

The experience was so profound, she was imbued with a new sense of purpose and felt compelled to research NDEs and the afterlife. Others who have NDEs have reported a newfound interest in areas like art and music, such as David Ditchfield, who was dragged under a train, and then became a successful composer afterward. In her work with dying patients, she's found that they often harbor regrets about aspects of their lives. By taking such people through visualizations, she helps them reach a state of forgiveness, which makes it easier for the soul to leave the body, Clarke shared. When people crossover to the Other Side, they are never alone but escorted by angels or deceased loved ones, she added.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Charles R. Smith

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