Exploring Shadow Beings

Hosted byArt Bell

Exploring Shadow Beings

About the show

Dr. Morgan Spence, who received her Ph.D. in paranormal research from the International Research Academy, has dedicated her life to gaining a better understanding of paranormal phenomena. She spoke about the "shadow beings" phenomenon, which she had studied for over 11 years. Spence shared reports that shadow beings seemed startled when they were noticed.

Some of these entities may be demons, and others ghosts, she hypothesized, adding that the idea of demons represents "a primitive concept" and "a man-made creation." She theorized that the shadow beings may "study us," and perhaps the fear they cause is a form of entertainment to them in the way that we enjoy horror films. She went on to discuss the role that hormones play in human perception and emotions and how this could either allow us to see shadow beings or even cause them to appear.

The guest also suggested that the proliferation of electronics and electric fields might affect paranormal activity, and that shadow people might be able to easily move between times and places. She pointed out that things that children see are trained out of them by shame and dismissal and that this effect also applies to scientists' attitudes towards non-ordinary ideas and observations. In the third hour, Dr. Spence took calls from listeners. The first and last hours consisted of news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Symbols, AI, & Fallen Angels / Witchcraft & Tarot
Researcher Steve Quayle delved into the intersection of ancient symbols, AI, and biblical prophecy. Followed by spiritual teacher Sabrina Scott on her use of witchcraft and Tarot cards.


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