Dr. Harvey Bigelsen

Dr. Harvey Bigelsen


Though he trained as a medical doctor and surgeon, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen grew frustrated by his inability to help patients through the traditional methods of Western medicine. He has been able to trace the roots of many patients’ health issues to post-surgical, chronic inflammation. Eschewing conventional wisdom, he says that germs are not harmful, and that doctors must address the terrain and not the germ. Dr. Bigelsen’s work is based in biological medicine, and involves a revolutionary approach that evaluates every patient as an individual, and develops a rational therapeutic plan based on his/her past medical and surgical history. He believes that if the patient is not getting better, it is the practitioner’s fault, because “miracles only happen when you know what you are doing.” This philosophy has been the foundation of Dr. Bigelsen’s work and drives him to find the real cause of each patient’s unique problems.



Past Shows:

  • Alternative Health Treatments

    An advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and endured legal persecution, while helping to change the public perception of healthcare. He discussed beneficial natural therapies and nutrition, and why elective surgeries should...More »
  • Alternative Treatments

    An advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, discussed beneficial natural therapies he's used to treat patients with a variety of ills. First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones warned of a plan afoot to establish a global digital currency that...More »

Last Night

AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
Scientist Brian Roemmele discussed information overload, the loss of data, and the different roles AI can play. Followed by filmmaker Darcy Weir on the enigmatic transmedium phenomenon around the island of Puerto Rico.


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