Karna Small Bodman

Karna Small Bodman


Karna Small Bodman began her career as a television news anchor and reporter in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. She also did political commentary for the ABC network in New York. When Ronald Reagan was elected President, he named Karna as his Deputy Press Secretary. Later, when she switched to foreign policy issues and became Senior Director and Spokesman for the National Security Council, she was the highest ranking woman on the White House staff.



Past Shows:

  • Watergate, Nixon, & the Mafia

    Investigative reporter known as "The Ultimate JFK Historian," Lamar Waldron, discussed new information and documents that link the murders of Jimmy Hoffa, mob boss Sam Giancana, and Mafia don Johnny Rosselli to the Watergate scandal. These men, he revealed, all had ties to...More »