Christopher Bartel

Christopher Bartel


Christopher Bartel is a self-taught photographer and graphic designer, as well as a security services professional. He joined the United States Air Force (USAF) shortly after graduating from high school. Bartel served on active duty for nine years with the USAF Security Forces, stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV. Additionally, he was a cadre instructor for the Ground Combat Training Squadron (GCTS) at Creech AFB in Indian Springs, NV. After being honorably discharged from military service, Bartel was hired as a Security Police Officer (SPO) by the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS).

Later on, Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Space Studies (BAASS) hired him as a security officer. Bartel worked at BAASS for eight years, six of which were spent stationed at Skinwalker Ranch. It was there that he created The Skinwalker Ranch Series, a series of landscape photographs taken from 2010 to 2016 that depict the ranch in its raw state, and also function as a visual memoir of the time he spent there. Photography is a lifelong passion of his and Bartel continues to do freelance work. He also works with veteran-based companies to provide free or low-cost graphic design support to those who need it. Bartel lives in Wichita, KS.


Past Shows:

  • Skinwalker Ranch Photos / Science Exposé

    Chris Bartel discussed his work at and photography of Skinwalker Ranch along with art gallery curator Taras W. Matla. Bob Gebelein presented his issues with mainstream science regarding subjects like reincarnation.More »