Benjamin Creme

Benjamin Creme


Benjamin Creme, a British artist and long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has become the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. In 1959, Mr. Creme received his first telepathic message from a Master of Wisdom. Not long after, he was informed that Maitreya would return within 20 years and that he (Creme) would be given the opportunity to play an active role in this event if he chose to do so. Mr. Creme has written 10 books, gives lectures, and is interviewed regularly on radio and television. He is also coeditor of Share International, a monthly magazine read in over 70 countries.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to July 10, 1998, when Benjamin Creme talked about Maitreya, whom he called Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, or Krishna.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 7/10/98 when (the late) Benjamin Creme talked about Maitreya, whom he calls Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, or Krishna. Others call him the Antichrist. You decide.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/10/98 when Benjamin Creme talked about Maitreya, whom he refers to as Christ, the fifth Buddha, or Krishna. Others call him the Antichrist. You decide.More »
  • Maitreya Update & Open Lines

    Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared in the first hour of the program to provide an update on the alleged spiritual leader's "imminent" arrival. During Open Lines, topics included a man's encounter with an aggressive shadow...More »
  • Maitreya & the Masters

    Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared during the middle two hours of the program. Maitreya, he said, can make himself visible in any form, using "familiars" who become vehicles for his consciousness.More »
  • The Mission of Maitreya

    British author and lecturer, Benjamin Creme of Share International, discussed the mission of Maitreya, a "world teacher" he claims is here among us today. An exalted being, who embodies "Christ principle," Maitreya can appear in any likeness he chooses-- be it man, woman, or...More »
  • The Coming of Maitreya

    Benjamin Creme of, made an eloquent appearance on Tuesday night's show, speaking of the "incredibly evolved master" known as Maitreya. He described him as a being who is literally millions of years old, and who has for the first time in history come himself to our...More »
  • Benjamin Creme

    British author and lecturer, has been traveling the globe, helping to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the Maitreya, "World Teacher".More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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