The Mission of Maitreya

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Mission of Maitreya


  • Antichrist & Deception
  • Maitreya's Hand & Healing Waters
  • About the show

    British author and lecturer, Benjamin Creme of Share International, discussed the mission of Maitreya, a "world teacher" he claims is here among us today. An exalted being, who embodies "Christ principle," Maitreya can appear in any likeness he chooses-- be it man, woman, or child, said Creme. In fact, he said that Maitreya, in the incarnation of various people, such as a well dressed man wearing galoshes, has appeared in the audience at his lectures around the world. He added that Maitreya can also make himself seen in two different places at the same time.

    Creme said he is also in touch with his "master," a highly evolved spiritual being. A whole group of masters, from throughout history are returning to Earth at this time because they are concerned with the state of the world, and seek to help humanity make positive changes, he stated.

    Maitreya has made a number of predictions that have come to pass, said Creme, including the end of the Cold War (which Maitreya supposedly helped bring about), the end of the Iraq-Iran war, and the crash of various countries' economies. He has also foreseen the crash of American and European financial structures, but has not a given out a date for when that will occur.

    Who is Maitreya?

    According to Share International, Maitreya is a being who simply wishes to be known as "the teacher" and he focuses his message of social change to "people of every religion and those of no religion." One of his first public appearances was in front of a huge crowd in Kenya in 1988 (photos) where a local journalist wrote of a "strange, sporadic light [that] wafted on top of his turbaned head, his feet and his entire body." Click here to view alleged photos of Maitreya's hand and "overshadowing" incidents.

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