Travis Langley

Travis Langley


Travis Langley, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Henderson State University, the author of Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight and editor of The Walking Dead Psychology: Psych of the Living Dead and Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind. He regularly speaks on the subjects of heroism and popular culture at psychology conferences, fan conventions like San Diego Comic-Con, and universities throughout the world. Psychology Today carries his online column, "Beyond Heroes and Villains." Documentaries such as Legends of the Knight, Comic Book Literacy, and Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics have featured him as an expert interviewee. His analyses of The Walking Dead appeared in several early letter columns of the comic book series. Weapon of choice: long crowbar - quiet, deadly, and unlikely to get stuck in a zombie skull.



Past Shows:

  • ET Contacts: Science & Psyche

    George Knapp was joined by contactee and UFO investigator Suzy Hansen for a discussion on her lifelong ET experiences. Emeritus career astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Dr. Rudy Schild, joined the conversation in the third hour to discuss his...More »