Howard Martin

Howard Martin


Howard Martin brings more than 30 years of experience in business and personal development to the position of Executive Vice President, Strategic Development of HeartMath. Howard has been instrumental in assisting Doc Childre in the development and teaching of HeartMath's programs since its inception. He speaks internationally on the HeartMath approach to advancing human performance that is based on compelling scientific research, linking heart function with health, emotional well-being and intelligence. Howard is co-author with Doc Childre of The HeartMath Solution, published in 2000 by Harper San Francisco. In 2016 he co-authored Heart Intelligence and in 2020 he produced the film/learning experience, The HeartMath Experience. Howard is a dynamic speaker, and has delivered hundreds of keynote addresses and workshops to audiences ranging from personal growth and corporations to the armed forces, educators, and human service providers.



Past Shows:

  • Heart Intelligence / Chinese Astrology

    Howard Martin of the HeartMath Institute spoke about the intelligence of the heart, and techniques for coherence. Followed by Janine Lowe on how she uses Chinese astrology for relationship advice.More »
  • Cybersecurity / The Heart of Human Potential

    Cybersecurity expert Kevin Mitnick discussed cybercrime and protecting ourselves against it. Followed by researcher Howard Martin, who shared the science linking heart function with health, emotional well-being, and intelligence.More »
  • Heart Intelligence / Violent Poltergeist Case

    Howard Martin shared research linking heart function with emotions and the brain. Followed by Richard Estep and Bil Bungay on the Black Monk of Pontefract.More »
  • Heart Intelligence & Health / Alien Intervention

    Howard Martin discussed research linking heart function with health and intelligence. Followed by Rita Louise on ancient alien interactions.More »
  • Mind & Heart Revelations

    In the first half, scientist and author Gregg Braden discussed his recent work on discoveries that change the way we think about everything from personal relationships to civilization itself. In the latter half, Howard Martin, who has, for over 30 years, been passionate about...More »

Last Night

The Final War / Earthing & Trauma Healing
The Final War / Earthing & Trauma Healing
Filmmaker Max Lebow discussed The Final War, a podcast series chronicling his experience being targeted by a shadowy group. Followed by philanthropist Elisabeth Carson, who spoke about the power of earthing and trauma healing.


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