Mercedes Arnús Arraut

Mercedes Arnús Arraut


Mercedes Arnús Arraut has a deep knowledge in astrology, and has read astral charts from people all over the world in English and Spanish. At the age of 26, Mercedes founded The Astral Method, to start teaching the knowledge of the stars as an everyday tool, linking it to meditation and consciousness awakening. Since then, Mercedes has been teaching workshops and conferences online, to reach the most people with her messages and wisdom about consciousness awakening on Earth and her major tool: Astrology.


Past Shows:

  • Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights

    Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman discussed the impact of UFO disclosure and how people would react to the proof of alien existence. Followed by astrologer Mercedes Arnús Arraut on the connections between astrology, personal growth, and spirituality.More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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