Dr. Samuel Milham

Dr. Samuel Milham


Dr. Samuel Milham is the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic pollution, and human disease. He warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality.



Past Shows:

  • Electromagnetic Pollution & Disease

    John B. Wells was joined by Dr. Samuel Milham, who discussed the frightening link between human disease and electromagnetic pollution from cell phones and towers, Wi-Fi systems, internet over power lines and other personal electronic equipment. The remainder of the show featured...More »
  • Phone & Smart Meter Dangers

    Appearing during the middle two hours, specialist in occupational epidemiology, Dr. Samuel Milham, shared his contention that cellular and utility industries are misrepresenting the safety of cell phones, and smart meters that are being installed to residences. First hour...More »
  • Dirty Electricity

    Specialist in occupational epidemiology, Dr. Samuel Milham outlined the frightening link between exposure to electromagnetic fields & pollution and human disease. He cited "dirty electricity," brought about when electrical fields have an arc or interruption in current flow, as...More »