Norman Ohler

Norman Ohler


Norman Ohler is an award-winning novelist, screenwriter, and journalist. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Blitzed, as well as the novels Die Quotenmaschine (the world's first hypertext novel), Mitte, and Stadt des Goldes, translated into English as Ponte City. He was also cowriter of the script for Wim Wenders's film "Palermo Shooting."



Past Shows:

  • LSD, CIA, & Nazis / Dogman Tales

    Journalist Norman Ohler discussed the connections between Nazi Germany, LSD, the CIA, and the War on Drugs. Followed by researcher Aaron Deese on reports of the Dogman in the Land Between the Lakes.More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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