Penelope Holt

Penelope Holt


Penelope Holt was born and educated in England and now lives in New York. She is a playwright, novelist, marketing executive, and prolific business writer.



Past Shows:

  • Angels & Essenes / Afterlife Explorations

    Novelist Penelope Holt shared her research on angels, reincarnation, and the Essenes. Followed by Susanne J. Wilson, known as the Carefree Medium, on experiences of the afterlife.More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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