Timothy Renner

Timothy Renner


Timothy Renner has written articles for several publications including Morbid Curiosity, Weird USA, and Weird Pennsylvania. His illustrations have appeared in fanzines, comics, magazines, books, and on many record covers. He plays and sings folk music with his band Stone Breath. To date they have released twelve full length albums and multiple EPs. Timothy has studied various paranormal phenomena centered in South Central Pennsylvania - with a particular focus on the legend of Toad Road and the Seven Gates of Hell.



Past Shows:

  • Bigfoot & High Strangeness

    Researchers Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner delved into the "high strangeness" surrounding the elusive Bigfoot phenomenon. In the first hour, Ben Schneider talked about his indie/folk band Lord Huron.More »
  • Bigfoot Phenomena / UFO Controversies

    Paranormal researchers Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner discussed Bigfoot and related strange phenomena. Citizen journalists Danny Silva and UFO Joe (Joe Murgia) reported on UFO news, the Wilson/Davis memo, and a UFO crash retrieval document.More »
  • Detecting Deception / Strange Creatures

    Peter Hyatt shared his method for detecting deceptive speech. Followed by Timothy Renner on the odd creatures of Toad Road.More »
  • Historical Bigfoot Cases & Open Lines

    Timothy Renner talked about his research into historical Bigfoot reports dating back to the 1800s. Open Lines followed in the latter half.More »
  • Hegemony & Global Elite/ Crypto Phenomena in PA

    In the first half, William Engdahl, who has written on issues of energy, politics and economics for more than 30 years, discussed details of the recent proposed Monsanto/Bayer merger and how a tiny group of global elite are gaining control over the world's oil, agriculture and...More »