Gordon-Michael Scallion

Gordon-Michael Scallion


Gordon-Michael Scallion is a futurist, teacher of consciousness studies and author of the best selling book Notes from the Cosmos: A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy and Intuition. Educated in electronics, Gordon-Michael experienced a health crisis in 1979, which led him on a path of self-discovery and eventually resulting in an ability to access higher states of consciousness allowing him to view future realities where you will get glimpses of what our world will be like from technology and future societies, to the consciousness of children born with super mind powers.

Mr. Scallion's insights have been featured on NBC, CBC, CNBC, Fox Television, Unsolved Mysteries, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Art Bell's, Coast to Coast, as well as online and print publications throughout the world.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/10/02 when psychic and intuitive Gordon-Michael Scallion talked about a massive change in consciousness that will take us into a higher realm of self and spirit.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/10/02 when intuitive Gordon-Michael Scallion talked about a massive change in social consciousness taking place on a global level.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/19/97 when intuitive Gordon-Michael Scallion rocked the house with predictions of major earth changes.More »
  • Visions of the Past and the Future

    Futurist Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to the show to talk about his visions of dramatic Earth Changes, Atlantis, the Pyramids and the current Presidential Election. "We're moving towards a crescendo," Scallion said, regarding the changes happening here on Earth. He foresees...More »
  • Possession & Visions

    Futurist, author, and metaphysician, Gordon-Michael Scallion, shared his latest insights on the state of the planet and what is in store for it.More »
  • Earth Changes & America

    Futurist, teacher, and author Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to give an update on his visions of upcoming Earth changes. Hurricane Katrina and the New Orleans tragedy are an example that the frequency and magnitude of such changes are on the rise, he said. The whole planet is...More »
  • Earth Changes, Mars & Atlantis

    Futurist, teacher, and author, Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to the show to discuss his visions of earth changes and life on Mars. Scallion said he has long had multiple visions of land changes along the Wyoming/Utah/Colorado/Idaho borders, but it was in 1999 that he began...More »
  • Predictions and Time Travels

    Futurist and prophetic visionary, Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to share his intuitions and predictions. Here is a rundown of some of what he sees in store: Eventually, the US will lose 1/3 of its land mass, though an equal amount of new land will rise. A powerful sun flare...More »
  • Gordon-Michael Scallion: Possession

    Gordon-Michael Scallion is a futurist, teacher of consciousness studies and metaphysics, and the author of the best selling book Notes from the Cosmos: A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy and Intuition. In this program he shares his insights into people who...More »
  • Visions & Earth Changes

    Intuitive and teacher of consciousness studies, Gordon-Michael Scallion reveals his global predictions for social and Earth changes between the years 1998 and 2012. In 1978, he experienced visions which showed that the surface and continents of Earth are destined for a radical...More »

Last Night

Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Consultant Harry Dent discussed the economic landscape and why he believes we're headed for a crash. Followed by remote viewer and trainer Lyn Buchanan on remote viewing operations.


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