Holland Van den Nieuwenhof

Holland Van den Nieuwenhof


Holland Van den Nieuwenhof is a native of Oklahoma and formerly served in the US Marine Corps as a rifle squad leader. His broadcasting career started in 2007 as a co-host on Radio Free Oklahoma, and later as co-host on Free Mind Report. Holland is also the writer and producer for A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, the first full-length documentary examining the OKC bombing in the light of new and suppressed evidence that proves the official story to be a myth.



Past Shows:

  • OKC Bombing & Timothy McVeigh/ Banshees & Creatures

    In the first half, freelance investigative researcher Wendy S. Painting, PhD, and writer/producer Holland Van den Nieuwenhof discussed their extensive research into the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and Timothy McVeigh, revealing startling new biographical details about McVeigh,...More »
  • Numerology & Energy Patterns

    Joining John B. Wells, numerologist Glynis McCants explained how events unfold according to the energy patterns of specific numbers. McCants discussed how numerology relates to recent cruise ship incidents and the Titanic disaster, as well as what the numbers hold for the rest...More »
  • Free Energy Technologies

    Sterling D. Allan, founder and CEO of PES Network, Inc. and the New Energy Congress, joined John B. Wells (email) to reveal the top new free energy technologies, including E-Cat, the first such technology that has been submitted for UL certification. In the first hour,...More »

Last Night

Alien Encounters / Energy Healing
Alien Encounters / Energy Healing
Author Dana Louise spoke about her extraterrestrial encounters and her family's secretive ties to government projects. Followed by Ken Lloyd, who shared his story of becoming an energy healer following a near-death experience.


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