Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge


Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families that he obtained bicycling 100,000 miles around the globe in the past 25 years. He graduated from Michigan State University in 1970 and Grand Valley State University in 1973. Frosty has worked as a college guidance counselor, a teacher in math and science, a ski instructor for the handicapped, freelance writer, volunteer inner city teacher, and public speaker. He created a drug/alcohol prevention program "Alcohol, Drugs, and Unique Alternatives" that he presented to hundreds of schools across the nation and created an environmental program, "Closing Fast - a Global Environmental Crisis - and what you can do about it". Frosty has also been a guest lecturer at Cornell University and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University.



Past Shows:

  • Immigration/ Ritual Abuse & the NWO

    In the first half, author Frosty Wooldridge argued that America will not be sustainable if the country proceeds on its present course, adding 138 million people over the next 35 years, mainly through immigration. In the latter half, former Chaplain at the University of...More »
  • Illegal Immigration / Merlin Project Updates

    In the first half, journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge discussed his work campaigning against illegal immigration and the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the U.S. population by 2035, with the population rising to 438 million by 2050. In the latter half,...More »
  • Immigration Roundtable

    In this special four hour program, a panel of experts discussed the increasing problem of illegal immigration in the United States. Journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge, and author Jerome Corsi appeared for the entire show, while journalist Ron Barber, Jim Gilchrist of the...More »
  • Underground Bases & the Black Budget

    Researcher Richard Sauder discussed the black budget world of super-secret underground, and undersea, bases and tunnels, and the vast sums of money siphoned off from the economy to build them. First hour guest, journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge talked about the...More »
  • Waves of Change

    Author & teacher Marshall Summersdiscussed how humanity has crossed a critical threshold and will have to adapt to a whole new set of circumstances such as economic hardship, climate change, and scarcity of resources. First hour guest, author and speaker Frosty Wooldridge...More »
  • Immigration & Overpopulation

    Journalist and teacher, Frosty Wooldridge discussed his work campaigning against illegal immigration and the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the U.S. population by 2035. This pending overpopulation in America stems from both legal and illegal immigration, he...More »
  • Health Care & Drug Companies

    Dr. John Abramson of Harvard Medical School addressed issues surrounding health care, medical studies and the pharmaceutical industry.More »
  • Prophecy, History & Nostradamus

    Renowned scholar of Nostradamus and other seers, John Hogue, shared prophetic insights and historical perspectives.More »
  • Evening of Commentary

    In a unique Evening of Commentary, six different guests appeared, each for a half-hour time slot. After a first hour of Open Lines, Steve Quayle joined the show to discuss earth changes and civil preparedness. A recent series of quakes in the San Joaquin Valley in California...More »
  • The Immigration Problem

    Author and columnist Frosty Woolridge sounded the alert over illegal immigration in America. He estimated that there are currently over 20 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., with around half of them coming from Mexico. There is also a 7-billion dollar people-smuggling...More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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