Linda Moulton Howe / Douglas Mulhall

Hosted byArt Bell

Linda Moulton Howe / Douglas Mulhall

About the show

Douglas Mulhall describes the exponential changes that may be wrought by thenanotechnology and robotic revolutions. Mulhall is a technology journalistand sustainable development specialist with years of experience developingadaptive technologies internationally. He has managed European scientificinstitutes and built field research facilities from Asia to Latin America.Many networks have broadcast his award-winning documentary films. Heco-founded a national television network in Eastern Europe.Book: Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics andArtificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World

Last Night

Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Music journalist Harvey Kubernik discussed the impact of the Beatles, the resurgence of vinyl, and popularity of music documentaries. Followed by hypnotist Jeff Bliss who talked about hypnosis, rewiring negative triggers, and focusing on desired outcomes.


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