Meeting with Lucia?

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Meeting with Lucia?


  • Meeting with Lucia
  • Why Are You Here?
  • About the show

    Returning to the show, precognitive David Booth was joined by author Wayne Green to ostensibly discuss his recent meeting with Lucia, witness to the Miracles of Fatima in 1917. Booth had been invited to meet with Sister Lucia, presumably because of the apocalyptic visions he had in 2003 (read a recap).

    Booth said he met Sister Lucia, now 97, at a Carmelite convent in Portugal and held a private conversation with her for five minutes. He would only reveal that he was told that a "new star" that had been prophesized about would begin to shine. Because Booth had been booked on the show to discuss his meeting with Lucia, and refused to elaborate further upon it, the interview was cut short, and the last 90 minutes of the program was reserved for Open Lines.

    McCanney Update

    First hour guest, maverick physicist James McCanney offered commentary on Sedna, asteroids and comets coming in May. He said he was disturbed that Sedna was already being categorized as an original member of the solar system, rather than being considered as something like a comet which he believes can be planetary in size. McCanney also offered an intriguing theory about the impending demise of the Hubble Space Telescope. Rather than being decommissioned, he suggested the telescope may actually be covertly taken over by the military.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
    Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure
    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the benefits of natural remedies and supplements that aid in the body’s recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by activist and ufologist Steve Bassett on the state of UFO disclosure.


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