Wayne Green

Wayne Green


Wayne Green is the founder of 73 Magazine, Byte, CD Review, Cold Fusion and dozens of other magazines.He is an international speaker as well as being a guest speaker on popular radio shows including Art Bell's late night program. Wayne speaks about amateur (ham) radio, health, nutrition, wealth, world travel, politics, cold fusion, submarines, education, new/future technologies, unusual books, ET's, and most any other topic a listener wants to discuss.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 5/3/96 when writer and publisher Wayne Green discussed ham radio, cold fusion technology, and his contention that AIDS isn't caused by a virus.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    6-10p PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 5/3/96 when writer and publisher Wayne Green discussed ham radio, cold fusion technology, and his contention that AIDS really isn't a virus at all.More »
  • Meeting with Lucia?

    Returning to the show, precognitive David Booth was joined by author Wayne Green to ostensibly discuss his recent meeting with Lucia, witness to the Miracles of Fatima in 1917. Booth had been invited to meet with Sister Lucia, presumably because of the apocalyptic visions he had...More »
  • Visions of Planetary Destruction

    Author Wayne Green introduced David Booth, who had a series precognitive dreams that were documented by the FAA, in which he accurately foresaw a major plane crash in 1979. Last year Booth said he had a second set of dreams, foretelling a much greater disaster.More »
  • Achieving Wellness

    Outspoken author Wayne Green shared his beliefs on a wide array of topics as the main guest on Wednesday's show. Here is an inventory of some of his statements: We never landed on the moon, and at least one person who was vocal about this ended up dead. Cooked food is poison; he...More »
  • Wayne Green

    Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since 1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green's long list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his "been-there, done-that brag list.More »
  • Wayne Green

    Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since 1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green's long list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his "been-there, done-that brag list.More »
  • Wayne Green

    Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green'slong list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his"been-there, done-that brag list.More »

Last Night

Alien Encounters / Energy Healing
Alien Encounters / Energy Healing
Author Dana Louise spoke about her extraterrestrial encounters and her family's secretive ties to government projects. Followed by Ken Lloyd, who shared his story of becoming an energy healer following a near-death experience.


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