Varginha UFO Case

Hosted byArt Bell

Varginha UFO Case


  • Alien Witness I
  • Alien Witness II
  • About the show

    Dr. Roger Leir, a physician and UFO researcher, updated the 1996 Varginha, Brazil incident which involved the crash of a craft and sightings of live alien beings. Unlike the United States, he said there is a greater openness in Brazil, and less effort made to cover-up the facts.

    Recently having returned from there, he said he spoke with a doctor who treated one of the recovered alien entities. The being, which didn't appear to have a gender, telepathically communicated to him that humans were "totally detached" from their spiritual selves and it felt sorry for them. The doctor said the alien was transferred to another hospital in "satisfactory condition," but was apparently dead within 24 hours. Leir speculated that the being may have left its body on its accord. The alien's craft, he was told, was taken to a military installation in the US, where it currently remains.

    Leir also discussed his work removing alien implants, which he has done with 12 different patients. They "certainly represent a technology that is not terrestrial," he said of the small objects he has extracted. They typically show no "portal of entry" and often have electromagnetic properties, he noted.

    To listen to the full audio, visit the Art Bell Vault.

    Brazilian UFO Encounters

    While Dr. Leir revisited the 1996 Varginha case, dubbed the "Brazilian Roswell," we looked back at some earlier alien/UFO encounters in Brazil, documented in an article by Coral Lorenzen for Fate Magazine in September '71. One encounter she writes about took place in August of '67 at a farm where Inacio de Souza and his wife witnessed a "strange basin-shaped object approximately 115 ft. in diameter," and three hairless child-like creatures near the craft. Moments after Inacio pointed a rifle at the beings, he was hit with a "jet of green light erupting from the craft." He immediately became ill, and within two months was dead. Though he had been diagnosed with leukemia, it was suspected he had radiation poisoning, Lorenzen writes.

    In a case from Feb. 1969, another basin-shaped object was seen, giving off a bluish light in Pirassununga. Tiago Machado reportedly tracked the object with binoculars and found where the disc had landed. He said two yellow-complexioned figures emerged, about 3 ft. 8 inches in height, and wearing silver clothes. Their noses seemed "squashed," and a tube pointing downward from their chins "seemed to project harsh guttural sounds." Machado tossed a pack of cigarettes toward the beings, and one of them made the pack rise in the air by placing his hand above it, he claimed. Before leaving they pointed a contraption at Machado that sent a "bluish-red flash" into his legs. Subsequently, a doctor described Machado as suffering from something like "electric shock burns," but he fully recovered in a few days.

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