Roswell Secrets

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Roswell Secrets


  • Revealing Roswell
  • Roswell Pilots & Crash
  • Corso & Disinformation
  • About the show

    Author Nick Redfern presented a new theory about what was really behind the 1947 Roswell incident based on testimony he gathered from military whistleblowers and others. Rather than a UFO crash, he suggested a scenario in which the US government was secretly conducting aerial tests with balloon/glider vehicles, which may have been hit by lightning or had other mishaps. Surprisingly, he said these vehicles were piloted by Japanese POWs, who were possibly the victims of diabolical human experimentation, not unlike what Mengele did in Germany.

    Because these Asian pilots (who were around 5 ft. tall) may have been altered through experimentation and damage from the crash, their strange appearance could have fueled alien rumors, Redfern surmised. Further, the UFO stories that have circulated about Roswell have functioned as a way to divert people away from the truth about the controversial human experimentation, he said. In the case of the late Col. Philip Corso, the high ranking army officer who confirmed much of the alien/UFO information related to Roswell, Redfern believes he was an unwitting player who was fed disinformation in order to smoke out a Soviet mole.

    The MJ-12 documents were also a product of disinformation, first created by the US government and then fed to the Russians, who in turn gave them to the UFO community, explained Redfern. One of the most compelling aspects of the witnesses' testimony, he said, was that they were able to refer him to obscure declassified documents which confirmed parts of their stories.

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