Health Freedom Panel

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Health Freedom Panel


  • Recovery from Schizophrenia
  • Codex & Supplements
  • Treaties & Treatments
  • About the show

    Three panelists, Dr. Robin Falkov, Dr. Terry Grossman, and Jon Rappoport discussed health freedom rights, and the encroachment of Codex, which seeks to regulate dosages of vitamins and supplements.(The sale of vitamins and supplements is currently under fire in Europe, where health food manufacturers and retailers recently lost a challenge at the EU Court of Justice).

    Robin Falkov, a licensed acupuncture physician with extensive training in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, said that supplements and vitamins are the tools she uses for her patients, and the ingredients are much safer than pharmaceutical products. She warned that the proposed US-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) should be stopped as it includes wording that the US should "harmonize" its food standards to that of Codex. Falkov suggested calling your congressional representative (the appropriate # for your area can be obtained at 202-224-3121) or sending a letter.

    Terry Grossman, MD, an anti-aging expert and founder of the Frontier Medical Institute in Denver, said that "aggressive supplementation" has been used for life extension. He believes that tracking vitamins & supplements as potentially toxic substances is a "very misguided effort."Codex wants to severely restrict the amount of vitamin that can be placed in an individual capsule and deny that supplements and vitamins can actually be used as a treatment for disease, he cautioned.

    Jon Rappoport, an investigative reporter who has written on medical fraud and health issues, noted that there are several levels to this issue. If vitamin and supplement usage is curtailed, the pharmaceutical companies stand to make greater profits. But also, a population that doesn't have access to preventative health measures, will be weaker and easier to control for political purposes. Codex, is basically an arm of the pharmaceutical industry, he declared, and down the road if people don't have access to supplements they may turn in greater numbers to pharmaceutical vaccines. Rappoport also endorsed writing letters to congressional reps, suggesting to them that the DSHEA law on dietary supplements, (passed in 1994) not be altered or overturned.

    Appearing for a half-hour segment at the start of Hour 2, health freedom advocate John Hammel shared his personal story of how he had been institutionalized for schizophrenia, and was able to make a full recovery by taking vitamins, which had to be hidden from the hospital staff. He expressed concerns that the Codex standards will act as a template for other countries, who will be pressured to conform to them.

    Mark Richman's Music

    During the break in the first hour, George played the song "New York, New York" as performed by St. Louis singer Mark Richman. His website, features audio of a number of his renditions.

    Bumper Music

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