Intelligence, Politics & War

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Intelligence, Politics & War


  • Plum Island Research
  • China Concerns
  • Intelligence & Iraq
  • About the show

    Former Justice Dept. prosecutor, John Loftus helps intelligence agents obtain permission to declassify and publish the secrets of our times. He expressed concerns over China, which he believes is making plans for future domination of the Pacific Rim countries. China fights their wars by proxy, he said. For example, they use North Korea and Pakistan as fronts in which they can expand their trade in nuclear weapons.

    He also outlined failures and blunders in the intelligence community which contributed to 9-11 and its aftermath. The weapons of mass destruction did exist in Iraq, Loftus declared,but were shipped out of the country before the war started. He recommends the book The Secret History of the Iraq War by Yossef Bodansky for a look at the complex factors involved in the conflict.

    Loftus also told of being privy to information about the 1947 Roswell case, saying that the UFO reports were a cover-up for a three-story balloon that contained Geiger counters, which the military was using to spy on the Soviet Union at the time.

    Spotlight on Plum Island

    First hour guest, Michael Carroll discussed his book Lab 257 about the secretive germ research being conducted at a government lab on Plum Island, New York. He noted that Lyme Disease, West Nile and a type of Avian flu all first appeared in the U.S. within miles of the lab, and he suspects that they may have been accidentally released from there. The facility is also a "soft target" for terrorists, and has had security problems with stolen laptops and vehicles, he added.

    The Plum Island Animal Disease Center, is an in-house research facility of the USDA, which according to their website, seeks to protect America from "foreign animal disease agents accidentally or deliberately introduced into the U.S." Since 2003, the safety of the facility has been managed by the Dept. of Homeland Security.

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