Coming Oil Crash

Hosted byIan Punnett

Coming Oil Crash


  • Peak Oil & Market Collapse
  • After the Oil Crash
  • Conservation & Alternative Energy
  • About the show

    Author Matt Savinar discussed 'Peak Oil' and how life will change in the United States when oil begins to run out. According to Savinar, the earth was "originally endowed" with two trillion barrels of oil and he estimates we've already consumed about one trillion of those barrels.

    When 50% of the world's oil reserve has been depleted, Savinar explained, not only does oil production decline, but it becomes increasingly more expensive to bring up the remaining oil. Diminishing oil supplies in turn will cause our financial system to collapse, he said, which will cause all other markets to follow suit. Citing the government's 'Oil Shockwave' simulation in which the world loses just 4% of its oil supply, Savinar said gas would hit $5.50/gallon and the market would lose 25% of its value. But Savinar expects things will get much worse.

    He predicts the coming oil crash will lead to widespread power outages, fascist legislation from the Federal government to control the populace, as well as global wars over the remaining resources and racial wars at home. "It's not going to be pretty... we're not prepared," Savinar said. Savinar is currently part of a "Relocation Movement" in California working to set up parallel infrastructures for when, as he believes, the petroleum economy finally collapses.

    Beast of Bray Road

    In the first hour, journalist and expert on anomalous animals, Linda Godfrey talked briefly about the Beast of Bray Road. She said sightings of the werewolf-like creature have been going on since 1936 and extend beyond Wisconsin. According to Godfrey, reports describe a fur-covered animal 6-7 feet tall with the head of a wolf, pointy ears, large fangs, and the ability to walk upright on two legs. The recent Man-Dog' sighting in Ohio is "classic Beast [of Bray Road] description," she explained, suggesting that the animal may be either a supernatural being or new species.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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