'Anything Goes' Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

'Anything Goes' Open Lines


  • 3 Objects Seen Bending Wheat
  • Rod Serling?
  • Tina Sounds Off
  • About the show

    During Open Lines, a caller from San Andreas, California shared a ouija board experience she had as a teenager. She claims that playing with the ouija board unleashed a spirit that followed her for several years. The caller said the spirit no longer plagues her, but feared that by talking about him on the radio he would find her again. A caller from Arizona claimed her brother had worked on secret projects in Russia, as well as invented and produced solar-powered vehicles. She said her brother was later found dead of an apparent suicide, but she believes he was killed because he knew too much.

    Throughout the evening, Richard C. Hoagland offered updates and commentary on the Hurricane aftermath. He also reported on an Internet rumor that radio communications are being jammed in New Orleans. Art Bell called in to quash the rumor, and to express his frustration with those keeping volunteer amateur ham radio operators from entering the city, where in his opinion they could offer much needed communication services.

    In the first hour, George played part of an emotional interview by Mayor Ray Nagin, in which he lashes out at the federal government's response to the tragedy in New Orleans.

    Crop Circle Update

    In the second hour of Friday's program, reporter and editor for Earthfiles.com, Linda Moulton Howe presented an update on recent crop circle activity around the world. Several new crop circles were discovered in the United States during the last half of August 2005, Linda reported, including unusual formations in Canisteo, New York and Greene County, Ohio. According to Linda, the crop circles in New York and Ohio were in corn and appeared on the same day. In a taped interview, Jeffrey Wilson of Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association said the Green County corn stalks were partially bent over, creating "woven canopies" where one could walk underneath and, in some places, walk on top. Linda also talked about crop formations in England.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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    Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
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