Astral Travel & Spirit Entities

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astral Travel & Spirit Entities


  • Exopolitics in Canada
  • EVP Recordings
  • Spirit Attacks
  • About the show

    Parapsychology researcher and OBE expert Albert Taylor spoke about spirit entities and recent research developments in out-of-body experiences (OBEs). He offered a method to achieve astral travel that he said works 80% of the time for him:

    The Interrupted Sleep Technique:
    Eat early before 6pm. Go to bed at 10pm. Set your alarm for 1-1:30am and the get out of bed and stay up until 1-2 hours before sunrise. Then return to bed in the "earth position" (flat on your back). Say to yourself-- 'I want to float upwards.' Your body slowly falls asleep, but your consciousness does not.

    Taylor also shared some of the work that he has been involved with at the organization he recently founded, Paranormal Research Investigations (PRI). The organization offers to help people who are in need of "paranormal crisis management," he explained, describing a spiritual attack case in which an 82-year old woman was molested by a malicious entity. Clearing or cleansing an area, and the use of prayer, is often useful in reducing such attacks he has found.

    Canadian Exopolitics

    First-hour guest, Director of the Instit. for Cooperation in Space, Alfred Webre discussed the recent Canadian Exopolitics Initiative that was put forth by Paul Hellyer, a former a Minister of Defence. Hellyer, who is well regarded in Canada, said Webre, is concerned with America's space militarization plans, which could ignite a war with ETs, he believes.

    Bumper Music