9-11 Theories & Evidence

Hosted byGeorge Noory

9-11 Theories & Evidence


  • Evidence & Motivation
  • WTC Bldgs: Demoliton
  • Reynolds: Inside Job
  • About the show

    The 9-11 attacks were an "inside job" orchestrated by factions within the United States, according to three guests who shared their theories and evidence. Prof. James Fetzer, an expert on the JFK assassination and one of the founding members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, cited numerous factors which he believes indicate the government's official explanation is riddled with falsities.In the case of the WTC towers,the melting point of steel and the quick rate of the buildings' collapse could only be explained by a planned demolition, he said, adding that there were security anomalies reported at the WTC in the two weeks leading up to the attack. Fetzer also noted that in the Pentagon attack, the size of the impact in the building was too small for an airliner, and may have instead been hit by an A-3 Skywarrior.

    Fetzer also contended that the terrorists would have been incapable of piloting the planes into these precise targets, and that "neocons," such as those who were involved in the Project for the New American Century were the instigators of the 9-11 events.

    Appearing with Fetzer in the second hour was David Ray Griffin, the author of The New Pearl Harbor who concurred that the official story behind the WTC and Pentagon attacks doesn't jibe with the physics and chemistry of the evidence. Joining Fetzer in the third hour, was Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the Labor Dept., who argued that al Qaeda had been set up as "patsies" in the style of Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Port Update

    First half-hour guest Jonathan Moseley, the Executive Director of the US Seaport Commission, offered commentary on the port controversy. He expressed concern that if the deal goes through, the record keeping of Dubai Ports World would be kept in Dubai, and also noted that in the 30-day review process of the plan, there has been only one meeting held to evaluate it.

    Bumper Music

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