Oscar, UFO Phil & More

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Oscar, UFO Phil & More


  • Oscar, Elvis & UFO Phil
  • Is Paul McCartney Dead?
  • SOHO Images & Giant UFOs
  • About the show

    Frequent caller and self-proclaimed demon, Oscar returned to the show to inform George that Elvis Presley is not dead. According to the Son of Satan, Elvis is currently in the Midwestern United States under witness protection. Oscar said Elvis will be his next possession victim. Keith from Lake City, Florida shared a story about his friend, who claims as a young boy to have seen a dark figure standing in his bedroom doorway. Keith said his friend watched in horror as the figure sat on the edge of his bed, then got up, walked downstairs and left the house.

    Several callers commented on the recent UAE port controversy, as well as the 'Devil Channeller' audio clip that George played during the show. UFO Phil phoned in to say that he recognized the Devil Channeller's voice. According to Phil, the channeller sounded strikingly familiar to a voice he was able to record on Mars using a special transceiver. The Martian message, "You have to tell them to get out of my crater," was from an entity called the 'Demigod of the Tree,' Phil said.

    Another caller shared a test to determine whether you're standing before a regular mirror or a two-way mirror. If you place your finger against a regular mirror, the caller explained, you'll see a space between the reflection and the tip of your fingernail. In a two-way mirror, the reflection will meet up with the fingernail, he said.

    John Lennon's Ghost

    In the first hour, George welcomed author R. Gary Patterson who spoke about the ghost of John Lennon. According to Patterson, Lennon had made an agreement with a friend that whomever died first would attempt to contact the other from beyond. Patterson reported that strange things have been happening to Lennon's friend, and promised to provide a more complete update on a future show. He also talked about his book, The Walrus Was Paul, which explores the curious rock 'n' roll myth surrounding the 'death' of Paul McCartney.

    SOHO Images

    In the second hour, meteorologist Scott Stevens talked about strange images taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Stevens said some of the SOHO images show immense, moon-size objects flying near the sun. "There's stuff going on [up there]," Stevens said, concluding that these objects are likely UFOs.

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